Sunday, January 27, 2019

South Africa for Dewi Magazine

Words can't even describe how I feel when travel editors from Dewi Magazine sent me the pdf version of my love letter for South Africa. It feels surreal to see your work published in print, especially these days when everything turning to digital.  I just couldn't be more grateful, happier, proud to finally be able to share my love story for Africa with my Indonesian readers. I fell in love with Africa last June 2018, turned 29 in possibly one of the most beautiful places on earth and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about Africa. I am extremely humbled and thankful for life giving me opportunities to see the world, celebrate life everyday. I hope these pictures and story will inspire you just like how life continuously inspiring me everyday. This year put South Africa on your bucket list and fall in love even more with life!


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