Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chiang Rai

 One the best things about blogging, I can always time travel to the past through the pictures and story I create. While photographs can never replace the act of being there, I still love the idea how photograph can speak thousand words and bring back the memories. Then I asked myself, if you can really time travel to the past, is there any specific moment you would go in a heartbeat ? 
To be really honest, there's so many special moments but I don't want to change a single thing, let the past be the past. Let the pictures tell the story and replay the memories. 
Feel free to scroll down some photos I took when I was in Chiang Rai couple of months ago. I spent about three days exploring Chiang Rai with the best tour guide in town and an Indonesian guy I ran into when I was in Chiang Mai bus station. The highlight was definitely visiting the white temple or Wat Rong Khun and having Khao Soi continued with iced-coffee at Chivit Thamma Da. 

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