Friday, May 12, 2017

Live Big

Back in Singapore after almost a month on 'tour' from China - London - Taiwan - Bali. Honestly I never thought I'd be living the life that I'm living today. Have a little apartment only 15 minutes from Changi Airport, a dream job at my dream company, a perfect health, surrounded by diversity, acceptance and wonderful people, I always have more than enough and ahh so much to be grateful for. Looking back I remember I was in Bali years ago when I wrote down things I really want to do. Working in entertainment industry and travel the world, checked. Be a part of one amazing dream team creating cool things that matter, checked. Performing on stage with beautiful costumes, checked. I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world sometimes... Different opportunity pops up, I get to do what I love and it's just amazing to think about whatever you do, small or big things, maybe it's through music, article, photography... you never know who you are inspiring. 

I just recently back from Bali, after almost 4 years !! It's always good to be home, even just relaxing for a week in Canggu and Ubud with my best friend. While we all seem to leave our hearts in Bali, this place will always remind me of  a road trip my family did every year from Jakarta to Bali when I was a kid ( and that's how I learned more about diversity, wanting to travel, and introduce my culture to the world ), when I volunteered for Ubud Writers Festival and I told myself I wanted to return one day as a writer, when I left my comfort zone and starting over, when my choreographer asked me to perform with her, when people I met along the road taught me to appreciate little things and be grateful, to dream and live big. You are more than enough.

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