Sunday, April 2, 2017

Taking a Leap

Woke up this morning still can't get over Coldplay's concert and Incognito's show last night. While dancing in the corner to one of Incognito's best songs "Don't You Worry Bout a Thing" I thought hey..this is such a sweet celebration to my first year of living in Singapore and the first anniversary of my 'baby'. If my experience in Singapore has taught me anything this far, it's to cherish and take care of myself. Learn to live with just myself and no one else. I came to Singapore last year newly single, with the next couple of pages of my life completely unwritten, but I was so ready to start all over again from scratch. We all know about all good things are worth fighting for. Looking back I'm so glad I took the road less traveled instead of the easy road like going back home and applied for any jobs out there. I knew exactly want I want to do... Something bigger than what I used to do at Disney, something more than just a regular job out there. Something that fills my days, my soul with excitement, challenges, music, love color. To live life with a purpose. Who knew after exploring 15 countries in a year, moved from one hostel to another, went out for auditions, sent out more than 50 articles and still didn't give up after rejections - finally... the long journey led me to a new place where I found a new home, new family, a little desk with an amazing city view where I usually spend my days creating cool things with my dream team. Honestly, it's more than just creating... We want to inspire people through music, to bring positive changes, to make someone else's dream come true...

So turns out..all that hard work pays off. About 13 months later here I am sitting in a local cafe, enjoying every bite of my truffle eggs benedict...grateful for a year with music, adventures, those days watching imagination turns into reality. I still learn how to improve myself everyday, focus on progress not perfection. 

I'm thankful for moments and lessons when I've literally jumped up and down of joy, laughed so hard I've cried my eyes out and found deeper and more genuine friendships than I ever knew existed. People say you learn a lot about yourself in your twenties, so true so true. Never before have I've learned so much about myself as I have during these past couple of years - both about my flaws and about my strengths. I've never felt more capable and independent than I do at this moment, I still have a looong way left to go but I'm on the right track now so I just want to keep moving forward, stay curious, live unapologetically, never take life seriously...and always celebrate small or big victories.

And if given the opportunity to take a leap, would I do it again ? Absolutely. 

Photo by : Reima Rusma

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Your positive attitude and perseverance will always make you shine xxx
