Thursday, August 9, 2018

Mandalay, Myanmar

Earlier this year I told myself I wanted to visit Myanmar again. I wanted to meet new people, go further into the unknown. I wanted magic, just like how Myanmar showed me when I first visited the country about 2 years ago. This time I decided to explore Mandalay and Inle Lake for a week. I landed in Yangon airport quite early morning with zero research, no plans or itinerary except of course I knew I'm going to catch my next flight to Mandalay in the afternoon. Honestly words couldn't even explain how excited I was to be back here. I still remember everything, the atm machine, KFC just outside arrival, even the guy who served me coffee at Coffee Bean still the same! And oh I love the distinct smell, sights, sounds only that specific country can give. The kind of special hope and excitement. The moment you step out of the plane, you just can feel the good vibe and you know exactly you're going to have so much fun. From a day tour with my amazing guide Mr Zaw exploring Mandalay to  my first visit to monastery and had a conversation with monks, our simple breakfast at Amanpura village and $1 lunch, to overnight bus ride to Inle Lake... life once again just sent me to the right place, with the right people and the amount of love I received in Mandalay just indescribable. There's just something so magical about Myanmar that keeps me coming back for more. 

Feel free to check out my adventure in Inle Lake and Hot Air Balloon Bagan

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