Friday, January 4, 2019

2018 RECAP

If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that when you let go you create space for something better. When a thing has served it’s purpose, it will go away. If you try to hold on to something that has already fulfilled its purpose in your life you are going to hurt yourself.

This year I learned how to forgive, let go and walk away from negative people. I learned to embrace and get comfortable with uncertainty in life, to trust the part of myself that knows there’s so much more to life, more than what you’re settling for. I turned 29 in South Africa, I learned French again, moved into my dream apartment in my dream city.I watched numerous sunsets from Singapore to LA to Hawaii then around Europe, hiked numerous hills, made crazy decisions and took spontaneous adventures. I had anxiety and breakdowns, something I never experience but I’m grateful it happened to me so I learned how to pick myself up and rise again. I failed, cried, smiled, laughed A LOT. I fell in love with the sweetest man who has the biggest heart. I met bunch of beautiful souls who teach and inspire me how to be a little stronger, to love better, to dream bigger, to live out loud. I sent out my crazy, imperfect showreels to some people I truly admire, and they responded back with some important pointers. It's pretty amazing even after more than 10 years I still chase the same dreams. Only God knows how far and long I have to go but hey the most important thing is I give it a try. I trust the process. It’s all about the journey, not destination. I learned to slow down, relax. I visited some good friends of mine around Europe and USA, this year I made it 37 cities, 16 countries. I took tons of pictures, had a lot of quality ‘me’ time and wrote a lot. I had drinks and good conversations with my favorite people in our favorite bar in Singapore, even performed on stage with my pole girls. I put myself and my happiness first.

So yes, it’s been a huge year. If you would’ve told me 8 years ago when I left Jakarta with a luggage full of dream that I’d be living this magical, colorful life ( including ups and downs too ) I would’ve said HOW. But sometimes it’s not about how, I keep reminding myself you just have to take a leap of faith and work hard. You make your own luck in life. Be patient, take your time and trust the timing of your life. Don’t expect things to happen overnight because instant gratification doesn’t create lasting happiness. And I am so grateful to be surrounded by strong, humble people who continuously inspiring me everyday to be a better person, that you deserve only the best things life has to offer.

I hope you had a great year and excited to welcome 2019 with joy, hope, love, bigger dreams. Whatever your resolutions this year, know that 2019 is going to be our biggest year together. A year where we’re attracting good love, huge opportunities, bigger adventures, perfect health, beautiful people, prosperity. You’re going to beautiful places you’ve always wanted to go, you’re going to find the love of your life, get that dream job and home you’ve been eyeing, launch new projects, books or business… Whatever you want, put it out there. While I personally believe you don’t have to wait til new year to write down your goals or resolutions ( because life happens everyday ), it’s always nice to take sometime off so we can reflect on the past year, write a long gratitude list, keep that beautiful smile and positive attitude and believe you deserve only the best things life has to offer.

South Africa

Inle Lake, Myanmar

Porta, Milan Pole Dance Studio Singapore




Brugge, Belgium

Hallstatt, Austria

Valencia, Spain



Los Angeles



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