Friday, July 10, 2020

On Practicing Joy

Hi loves,

Unfortunately, I don't really have new pictures to share since some of us are still not allowed to travel but today I thought I wanted to share a bunch of small paintings I made with you all. If there's a silver lining from the current situation, I'd say I'm really lucky and grateful to focus on myself. Not only I was able to write my book Metamorfosis, I got to pick up new hobbies and work on my podcast too. I learned to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. And it was on a random afternoon when I decided to visit a small art supply store near my place, I challenged myself to do something new...something different or I may not really familiar or good at. Painting! No, I don't have a mission here to be a pro but I just love how painting can be very therapeutic and calming. That moment when you pick up the brush, play with color, listen to your favorite music, and just paint for the sake of joy.

I'm definitely not the most creative person but I like to create. Through playlists, articles, blog, photography, art taught me that I deserve to grow, evolve, and heal. I find creativity is the gateway to self-connection and it's the path to giving ourselves what we really need to live life fully. Through creativity, I learn to be fully present. They pull you into the now, where you come face to face with your truest self. Helps you to access, process, and express feelings you may otherwise have stuffed down. You’re not just creating something pretty or interesting; you’re connecting with a piece of your heart. This might mean literally writing about your feelings, cooking, painting, making music, or recording your podcast… When creating anything with our hands, we’re focusing on something aside from what’s wrong in our life or what might go wrong in the future. We’re essentially giving our brain a break from reliving pain or trying to avoid it. Creativity also reminds me that we’re enough, and this moment is enough. It’s all about the process.

With so many bad news lately and witnessing my friends lost their loved ones, some days can be extremely hard...and that's when I turn into art. The best thing to fix a broken heart, disappointments, once again take my broken heart and make it into art...

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